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What are some of the opportunities in research for those who study nursing at bachelors level
I have been trying hard to be a good reseacher,, I have only little knoel
Is it possible for an undergraduate to be enrolled to research during a long holiday?In your institution particularly
Concerning information about “what I do with the money”. How do you identify the students in need? What’s your formula? (2 Comments)
You are looking into malaria, can you give guidance to a student who have an idea and want to do a proposal on some
Your carry out research on Malaria in Kenya. Is it true to argue that most Kenyans have immunity against malaria! Like
Hello, most of us just do courses without even knowing what they entail, for instance me, here, but was encouraged to
Is there any biochemist on board, i.e, a scientist who did biochemistry as an undergraduate and possibly at a masters
Hello Beatrice, I’m interested in research especially writing papers. I’m a mental health and psychiatric nursing
Hello, Beatrice…Am Gabriel Fidel, graduate research assistant at icipe, the other day when simon was presenting, I
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Concerning information about "what I do with the money". How do you identify the students in need? What's your formula? (2 comments)